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Hawaiian word | English meaning |
ahi | fire |
ahiahi | evening |
akamai | smart, clever, expert |
alakaʻi | to lead, guide, direct |
alanui | street, road, highway |
alapiʻi | stairs |
alaula | light of early dawn, sunset glow |
alelo | tongue |
aliʻi | chief |
alo | face |
aloha | love, hello, goodbye |
anuanu | cold, chilly |
ānuenue | rainbow |
ao | light, dawn, cloud |
apolima | bracelet |
awāwa | valley, gulch, ravine |
hae | flag |
hāhālua | manta ray |
haʻahaʻa | humble, modest, meek |
haʻaheo | proud |
hāʻawi | to give, grant |
haʻi | to tell, declare; to break or snap |
haʻiʻōlelo | speech, address, lecture |
hāiki | narrow, pinched |
hainakā | handkerchief, napkin |
hālau | long house, as for canoes or hula instruction; meeting house |
hālāwai | meeting; to meet |
hale | house, building |
halihali | to transport, transmit |
hāliʻi | a covering; to spread |
hana | work, to work |
hānai | feed, raise, adopt |
hānau | to give birth; born |
hanohano | glorious, magnificent, noble |
hāpai | to carry, lift, elevate; pregnant |
hauʻoli | happy |
hāwanawana | to whisper, whispering |
heʻe | to slide, octopus |
heʻe nalu | to surf |
heiau | Hawaiian temple |
helu | number, to count |
heluhelu | to read |
hema | left, south |
hemo | loose, separated, untied |
hiamoe | sleep; to sleep |
hiapo | first-born child |
hīhīmanu | sting ray |
hikina | east |
hīnaʻi | basket, container |
hipa | sheep |
hoahānau | cousin |
hoaloha | friend, beloved companion |
hōʻailona | sign |
hōʻike | to show, exhibit |
hoʻokipa | to entertain, to greet |
hoʻolohe | to hear, obey |
hoʻomākeʻaka | funny |
hoʻomoana | to camp |
hoihoi | pleased, interesting |
hōkū | star |
hola | hour |
holo | to run, sail, ride, go |
holoholo | to go for a walk, ride, or sail |
holoi | to wash, clean, erase |
honi | to kiss, to smell; a kiss, a scent |
honua | earth |
houpo | diaphragm, chest |
hua | fruit, egg, seed |
huaʻōlelo | word |
huakaʻi | trip, voyage, journey |
hūhū | angry |
huʻihuʻi | cold, numbing, tingling |
hui | club, association; to join, unite |
hulali | shining, glittering, glossy |
huli | to search, look for, to turn |
hulihia | overturned, a complete change |
hulu | feather, quill, plumage |
ʻāhinahina | gray, silver |
ʻahu | cape |
ʻaʻaka | surly, cranky, irritable |
ʻaikalima | ice cream |
ʻāina | land |
ʻakaʻaka | to laugh; laughter, merriment |
ʻākala | pink |
ʻākau | right, north |
ʻala | fragrant, sweet-smelling |
ʻalani | orange |
ʻalemanaka | calendar, almanac |
ʻanakala | uncle |
ʻanakē | aunty |
ʻaoʻao | page |
ʻauʻau | swim, bathe |
ʻauinalā | afternoon |
ʻawaʻawa | bitter, sour, tart |
ʻehu | spray, foam, mist |
ʻeke | bag |
ʻeleʻele | black |
ʻelelū | cockroach |
ʻelepani | elephant |
ʻeleweka | elevator |
ʻena | red-hot, glowing |
ʻike | to see, know, feel, experience |
ʻili | skin |
ʻīlio | dog |
ʻīlioholoikauaua | Hawaiian monk seal |
ʻimi | to search, look for |
ʻio | Hawaiian hawk |
ʻiole | rat |
ʻō | fork |
ʻohana | family, relative, kin group |
ʻōlelo | language, speech, word |
ʻōlino | bright, brilliant, dazzling |
ʻolokaʻa | to roll |
ʻōmaʻomaʻo | green |
ʻōmole | bottle |
ʻōpala | trash |
ʻōpio | youth, juvenile, junior |
ʻōpū | belly, stomach |
ʻuala | sweet potato |
ʻulaʻula | red |
ʻūpā | scissors, shears, any instrument that opens and shuts |
iho | to go down, descend |
ihu | nose |
iʻa | fish |
inoa | name |
inu | to drink |
kahakai | beach |
kāhea | to call, cry out |
kahiko | old, ancient |
kahua | foundation, base, site |
kaʻa | car |
kaʻa ʻōhua | bus |
kaʻaahi | train, railroad |
kaʻawale | separate, free, different, apart |
kaka | to rinse, clean |
kakā | duck; to quack |
kakahiaka | morning |
kākau | to write |
kākoʻo | to uphold, support, favor |
kalaiwa | to drive |
kalaka | truck |
kalo | taro |
kamahaʻo | wonderful, astonishing, marvelous |
kāmaʻa | shoe, sandal |
kamepiula | computer |
kānāwai | law, code, rule, statute |
kāne | man, husband |
kani | sound |
kao | goat |
kaomi | to press down, squeeze with downward pressure |
kapa | also called Tapa, a fabric as made from wauke bark |
kapalili | fluttering, quivering as a leaf |
kāpena | captain |
kauhale | group of houses comprising a Hawaiian home |
kaulana | famous |
kaumaha | sad, heavy |
kauoha | order, command, demand |
kaupoku | roof, ceiling |
kāwele | to dust, or wipe with a cloth |
keiki | child |
kekona | second |
kelepona | telephone |
kena | quenched, satisfied |
kiaʻi | guard, watchman, caretaker |
kīʻaha | cup, glass |
kiʻi | image, picture; to fetch, get |
kiʻiʻoniʻoni | movie |
kika | tiger |
kīkala | hips |
kikokiko | spotted; to type |
kilape | giraffe |
kiloi | to throw, throw away, discard |
kini | can |
kinipōpō | ball |
kipi | rebellion, revolt, to rebel |
koa | brave; warrior; the largest of native forest trees |
koholā | whale |
kōkua | help, aid, assistance, relief |
kolo | to creep, crawl, move along |
komo | to enter |
komohana | west |
kope | coffee |
kū | stand, upright, stop |
kua | back |
kuahiwi | mountain |
kūʻai | to buy, barter, sell |
kuʻi | to pound, punch, strike |
kūʻokoʻa | independence, liberty, freedom |
kukui | candlenut, light |
kula | school, plain |
kula pepeiao | earrings |
kuleana | responsibility, right, privilege |
kumu | teacher, foundation, source |
kumulaʻau | tree |
kupuna | grandparent, ancestor |
lā | sun, day |
laha | broadly circulated, spread out |
lāhui | nation, race, tribe, people |
lalo | down, low, under |
lana | floating, buoyant |
lanakila | victory, triumph |
lau | leaf |
laulā | broad, wide, liberal |
lauoho | hair |
lawaiʻa | fisherman; to fish |
leʻaleʻa | to have a good time, fun, amusement |
lei | garland |
lekauila | |
leki | tape |
lele | to fly, to jump |
lemi | lemon |
leo | voice |
lepo | dirt, earth, ground |
lima | arm, hand |
limahana | laborer, worker, employee |
limu | seaweed, underwater plants |
lio | horse |
loʻi | irrigated terrace, especially for taro |
lōʻihi | length, long, tall |
lole | clothes |
loli | to change, alter, influence |
luna | high, upper, above |
lupe | kite |
mahiʻai | farmer; to cultivate land, farm |
mahina | moon, month |
maʻi | sickness, illness, disease |
māʻona | full after eating |
maka | eyes |
makaaniani | glasses |
mākaʻi | policeman, guard; to police |
mākaʻikaʻi | to visit the sights |
makamae | precious, of great value, highly prized |
makani | wind |
mākeke | market |
mākua | parent |
makuahine | mother |
makuakāne | father |
māla | garden, plantation, patch |
mālama | to take care of, tend, preserve |
mālamalama | light of knowledge |
malihini | stranger, foreigner, tourist |
mamalu | umbrella |
manaʻo | thought, idea, belief, opinion |
manakō | mango |
manō | shark |
manu | bird |
maopopo | to understand, recognize, realize |
mauʻu | grass |
mauna | mountain, mountainous region |
meainu | drink, beverage |
meakanu | plant |
mehameha | loneliness, solitariness |
mele | song |
melemele | yellow |
mikiʻao | nail |
minoʻaka | smile; to smile |
minuke | minute |
moa | chicken |
moana | ocean |
moeʻuhane | dream; to dream |
moena | mat, bed, resting place |
mōʻī | monarch, sovereign, queen, king |
moʻo | lizard, water spirit/guardian |
moʻokūʻauhau | genealogy |
moʻolelo | story, tale, myth, history, tradition |
moʻopuna | grandchild |
moku | island, boat |
mokulele | airplane |
momona | sweet, fat, fertile |
muli | after, behind, younger |
nahu | to bite |
naʻauao | knowledge, wisdom, enlightened |
naiʻa | dolphin |
nalu | wave |
nānā | to look at, observe |
nanea | enjoyable, at ease, at leisure |
niho | tooth |
nīnau | question; to ask a question |
niu | coconut |
niuhi | man-eating shark |
noe | mist, fog, spray from the rain |
noho | chair, to sit |
noʻeau | clever, skillful, wise |
noʻonoʻo | thought, reflection, thinking |
noi | to ask for something, request |
nui | big |
nūpepa | newspaper |
ola | life, to live |
oli | a chant; to chant |
one | sand |
pahu | box, drum; to push, shove |
paʻa | firm, solid, secure, closed |
pāʻani | to play |
paʻi | to hit; to print as on a printer |
pāʻina | party |
pākahi | singly, once, one at a time |
pākaukau | table |
pākeke | |
palapala | document, certificate |
palaunu | brown |
pale | to ward off, shield, defend, protect |
paleʻili | shirt |
pali | cliff, precipice |
paniolo | cowboy |
papahele | floor |
pāpale | hat |
pēʻahi | fan, wave |
peku | a kick, to kick |
pele | lava flow; name of volcanic goddess who creates new earth |
peni | pen |
penikala | pencil |
pepa | paper |
pēpē | baby |
pepeiao | ear |
piʻi | to climb, ascend, rise |
pinao | dragonfly |
pipi | cow |
pō | night, darkness |
poepoe | round |
pōhai | circle, group, gathering |
poho | chalk |
poʻo | head |
poʻohiwi | shoulder |
poʻoʻōlelo | title |
pōkiʻi | younger brother or sister, or closely related younger cousin |
pōkole | short, brief |
pola | bowl |
polū | blue |
poni | purple |
pōpoki | cat |
pua | flower |
puaʻa | pig |
pueo | owl |
puʻu | hill, peak, cone |
puʻuwai | heart |
puka | hole, door |
pukaaniani | window |
puke | book |
pule | week, to pray |
pulelehua | butterfly |
pūlumi | broom; to sweep |
puna | spoon |
pūnaewele | network, internet |
punahele | favorite |
ua | rain |
uē | to cry, weep, lament, mourn |
uhi | to cover; a covering, tattoo |
uila | lightning, electricity |
ulana | to plait, weave, braid |
uliuli | any dark color including the deep blue of the sea, green of vegetation, black of clouds |
ulu | breadfruit, growth, to grow |
waha | mouth |
wahine | woman, wife |
waʻa | canoe |
wai | water |
waihona | closet, cabinet |
walaʻau | to talk, speak, converse |
wāwae | leg, foot |
wehe | to open, untie, undo, loosen |
wehewehe | to explain, define |
wehi | decoration, adornment, ornament |
wela | hot, burned |
welo | to flutter, float, or stream, as in the wind |
wena | glow, as of sunrise or fire |
wikiō | video |