Just a test, please disregard.
Want to learn how to play chess with other enthusiasts? Come check out the Wahiawa Library Chess Club, meeting every Tuesday from 4pm to 6pm in the Wahiawa Library Children’s Room. Learn the basics and more with other veteran players and try out your new skills as you play against each other.
The first hour we will learn strategies and practice with puzzles, then you will have the opportunity to practice those skills the last hour! We have two extra chess boards for anyone interested. The chess boards are first come, first serve. If you have any questions, feel free to call (808) 622-6345.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity should contact library staff as soon as possible. Advance requests 48 hours or more before the event are encouraged, but not required.