Just a test, please disregard.
Join visiting teaching artists from Hui No’eau Visual Art Center on Maui, for a fun & unique arts experience.
Instead of throwing away all of our rubbish, let’s give some of it a new life! Celebrate Earth Day this month by turning everyday items into a work of art! Participants will create a scene depicting their favorite part about living on planet Earth with found objects. Participants are encouraged to bring found objects such as bottlecaps, egg cartons, zippers, yarn, corks, old keys, CDs, and other small objects from around the house. Please make sure found materials are cleaned prior to class. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!
Come get creative, during this free event!
All ages welcome.
Sponsored in partner with Hui No`eau Visual Arts Center.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity should contact library staff as soon as possible. Advance requests 48 hours or more before the event are encouraged, but not required.
All programs are subject to change. See a schedule of upcoming events at librarieshawaii.org/events.