Just a test, please disregard.
Does your electric bill continue to increase no matter how much you conserve? Well, it’s about to get even more challenging for our local ‘ohana – especially those that work a traditional 9-5PM job. Hawaiian Electric (HECO) will soon be implementing a new statewide pricing structure that will split the day into three time zones with three different prices for electricity. The idea is for families to “shift” some of their electricity use from the evening peak and overnight to daytime when solar energy is abundant and less expensive. The issue with this is many working families cannot simply “shift” their usage due to their working hours. It also puts our kupuna and other vulnerable communities at risk for greater increases in their bills by being unable to change their consumption to “off-peak” times.
In this educational seminar, you’ll learn how to best position your ‘ohana for this major upcoming change and what programs are available to support a more energy-efficient hale and lifestyle.
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