Just a test, please disregard.
Here at Waianae Public Library that is exactly what we are hoping for, your stories. We are inviting you to join us at the library to participate in a story telling circle every Wednesday in June and July. We have invited a different guest host each week to get things started with one of their own story’s. Then we invite you to share a story with those community members who are in the circle. If you want to just listen you are welcome too!
Here is the line up for JUNE 5 @ 6:00 PM GLEN KILA
Glen Kila will start us off with a story about the Sacred Sites in Wai’anae. Glen Kila is a retired principal of Kamaile Academy and president of Koa Ike Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to researching and teaching the rich history and kupuna stories of the Waianae Coast.
Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication, or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program, service, or activity should contact library staff as soon as possible. Advance requests 48 hours or more before the event are encouraged, but not required. All programs are subject to change.