As part of Mililani Public Library’s Mind Your Mind Adult Brain Health program series, learn a language or about a new culture on the go using the Mango Languages App! There are over 70 languages available for learning on Mango. Study without a computer. All you need is a smart device.
Register in-person and valid HSPLS library card are REQUIRED. Space is limited.
Students must bring their own mobile device (Android, Apple, or Kindle Fire devices only) for use in class. Prerequisite skills: basic mobile device operation, ability to connect device to WiFi, and ability to download mobile apps. For adults ages 18 and up.
Attend the Mind Your Mind programs to enter to win a special prize at the end of the program series in May 2018.
Program schedule is subject to change. Contact the library at least 15 days in advance to request a sign language interpreter or if special accommodations are needed.