Just a test, please disregard.
The Community Seed Library presents Canoe Plant Food and Medicine on Saturday, March 18, 2017 from 10am-11am at Kailua-Kona Public Library. Hawaiian heritage plants brought by the early Polynesian settlers to the islands as sources of food and medicine are legacy plants with culinary healing uses today. The Same Canoe Local Food Challenge is raising awareness of island-grown canoe crops to help build appreciation, grow consumer demand, and encourage our local farmers and gardeners to increase production of these heritage foods and medicines. Join us for a slideshow, free tasting, and recipe sharing at the library. This program is sponsored by the Friends of the Libraries, Kona. Same Canoe program is funded by the State of Hawai’i Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant Program and One Island Sustainable Living.
Recipe Share: Same Canoe is collecting recipes to share with the public and welcomes you to submit recipes in advance of the presentation that can be printed and shared, and made available online. Recipes must include at least one canoe plant: taro, sweet potato, breadfruit, coconut, banana, turmeric, kukui or noni. Submit recipes (and images) online at www.oneisland.org/hawaii/recipe-contest, or email to hawaii@oneisland.org.
Program schedule is subject to change. Contact library 15 days in advance to request a sign language interpreter or if special accommodations are needed.