Just a test, please disregard.
The community is invited to listen, learn from and share their views with local, Hawai’i and international speakers about a variety of topics through the Global Citizenship Speaker Series.
This presentation features U’ileiuluwehi Pimental, from Kona, Hawai’i Island. U’ilei’s passion is empowering young people. She has experienced first-hand the impact moral empowerment has on the lives of youth, their family, and the well-being of their community. U’ilei spent fifteen years leading and training non-profit organizations. Her work with non-profits to build organizational capacity and training in the delivery of educational programs started in Hawai’i as the Director of the Ho’ola Training Institute. Within a year, she began working across the South Pacific as a consultant for organizations implementing the Junior Youth Empowerment Program. In 2014, her journey culminated in Haifa, Israel as a Co-Director of the Office of Social and Economic Development, advising numerous organizations around the world. Currently, U’ilei is the co-founder of Oculus Architecture and Design and is also pursuing a MBA with an interest in corporate social responsibility.
All ages are welcome to attend. Sponsored by the Molokai Bahá’í Community.
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