Musician Joel Katz will provide a performance and presentation on the Hawaiian Steel Guitar. He will share the history and evolution of the instrument and style since 1885 in Hawaii. Joel Katz has been performing professionally on Maui for 30 years. He has recorded and released various CD albums. Joel is also the instructor in the Hawaiian Steel Guitar, guitar, ukulele, and audio technology programs at the University of Hawaii’s Maui College and heads an award-winning recording studio. He is passionate about carrying on the tradition of this rare instrument and style. This one-hour program is sponsored by the Maui Friends of the Library and is suitable for all ages. Young children must be accompanied by a parent or caregiver. Call Molokai Public Library for more information.
Program is subject to change. Contact the hosting library at least 15 days in advance to request a sign language interpreter or if special accommodations are needed.